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Salud, desde Lima! (Cheers, from Lima)

Writer's picture: Emily BreedenEmily Breeden

March 22, 2015… My 27th birthday AND my first time in Peru!  Wooohoooo!  Feliz cumpleanos a mi!

While sitting in the airport waiting for my first flight yesterday, I decided that I feel like I’m watching a movie with myself as the main character… and I literally have no clue what’s going to happen next.  Not in a bad way, like in an exciting “anything could happen” sort of way.

The cool thing about this trip is that it’s just me.  It forces me to take time to just people watch and observe my surroundings, and appreciate the little things… The moments.  Also, traveling alone forces me to meet new people and make new connections.

So here are some (very random) observations about my trip so far.  By the way, I am only in Lima… still a 4 hour layover until my last flight!:

  1. American Airlines plays really good music before their flights.  Seriously, Phantogram and the XX?  Great job, AA, way to appeal to music lovers in my generation and put us in great moods.  Also… One flight attendant had awesome eyeshadow… half of her eyelids were BRIGHT purple and the other half were bright yellow, but somehow it looked cool (besides the Viking’s colors thing.)  I respect people who know how to do that stuff, because I suck at it!!  Maybe I will try to be more creative with eyeshadow next time I go out..

  2. Struck up a convo with a guy wearing a Wisconsin shirt who was a row behind me on my flight to Lima, and it turns out he went to my high school, and was in my grade (of 600+ so we weren’t friends but knew of each other, and had mutual friends).  Seriously, what a small world!!

  3. I randomly read a magazine called Experience Life, and seriously felt like it was speaking directly to me.  It’s all about health and wellness.  This dude Dr. Hyman (insert inappropriate joke about last name here) talks about Leaky Gut syndrome and some other gut-related things that totally describe some things I went through before my recent lifestyle/health changes.  I am totally subscribing to that magazine…

  4. Speaking of health, I found out the woman next to me from Miami to Lima works in public health… She focuses on implementing projects that use celebrities/media to try and change the behaviors of communities, in order to improve public health.  HOW COOL IS THAT?!?  And yes, I got her card. 😉  (and I sent her an email… with my blog link… Hola, Patricia, if you are reading this!!)

  5. I also learned a lot from the Lima-native about what to expect in Cuzco.  The first two days will be rough, because Cuzco’s elevation is about 11,200 feet!!  She said I will need lots of soup, water (BOTTLED), and rest while my body gets used to the altitude.  But it will be worth it!

See why it’s so fun to just talk to people?  Sometimes you feel awkward, or you’re scared to just say “Hi” to someone… People are so glued to their phones, and whatever their source of “comfort” is that it almost seems rude to talk to someone you don’t know!!  But guess what?  If you don’t, then you’ll miss out on all these awesome connections and conversations.  I’m having fun with these and I’m not even to Cuzco yet 🙂

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